
Morning Musings (12th ed.)

How can half the people in my life tell me I'm bossy and the other half tell me I'm a pushover?

I've been saying for months (years?) that I was going to start waking up earlier. Every night I say, "Tomorrow is the day." And every morning, I snooze until 8am and end up late for work.

I used to wake up at 7:20am every morning. 

Do people still get perms?

I have tried to use SnapChat, really. I've downloaded and deleted it three times. Am I just too old to get it?

Why is there no way to manage multiple Instagram accounts yet?! I do not understand.

Practically everything I pin is some combination of chambray, boots and plaid scarves.

My main priorities in choosing a Halloween costume are (a) not having to wear heels, (b) being comfortable, (c) avoiding any type of crafting and (d) not spending a lot of money. This is limiting. 

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