
Keep Things in Perspective. I'd Rather Vote.

I love this sign from DC's Rally to Restore Sanity (check out more of the posters here. They're funny.). Really puts things in persepctive, no?

Speaking of restoring sanity, tomorrow is election day ya know. Are you voting? You should.

My friend (and former TJ finalist) Jose is leading the #idrathervote campaign. Get it? I'd rather vote than complain. I'd rather vote that sit around and do nothing.... You finish the sentence. (Seriously, post this on Twitter: '#IdRatherVote than [insert message here]! Find your polling place here: http://tiny.cc/idrathervote').

And Jose is making this all super easy. You can check out his blog to find out where your polling place is and what's on your ballot. AND BONUS: When you vote, you get a special Foursquare badge. Win!

“I’d Rather Vote” is a collaborative effort organized by Jose Iniguez in conjunction with John Thrasher, Dannielle Owens-Reid, Ryan Carlos, Tomicha Cassel, Danielle Lynn, Ryan Lytle, KayKi, and Elizabethany.

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